Thursday, July 06, 2006

Korean Missle Crisis

My hope is that North Korea can come back to the six party talks, a system of talks between N. Korea, the U.S., China, Russia, S. Korea, and Japan.

Despite being most likely furious about this, Chief Cabinet Offical of Japan Abe Shinzo (A good chance of being the next PM in September) put the best possible face on this and said he wanted them to come back to the Six Party Talks as well. (NHK)

Becuase of a depleted millitary coupled with a very strong N. Korean millitary, the White House seems to be making vague refrences as to what these threats mean.

I guess the Six Party Talks is again the best bet, but even if they come back to it, and they may not, can the other 5 parties trust the N. Korean contingent, when what they'll want to do is jump over the table (a literal table they talk at) and smack the N. Korean contingent with a newspaper.


Blogger pissed off patricia said...

It sure could help if everyone at the table keeps a cool head.

Hopefully some one will duct tape bush's mouth for the next few weeks so he doesn't say something stupid in front of a microphone.

2:17 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

I love your commentaries, Rob!

The whole world seems to be falling apart, doesn't it? It doesn't help that our commando-in-chief doesn't understand the concept of diplomacy or know when to keep his mouth shut.

Thanks for stopping by my site!

9:07 AM  

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